Event planner shares how he saves time and money on commuting by renting cars on Pull Up

Pull Up
3 min readJun 9, 2021

John Kennedy is an event planner that lives and works in Lagos. When John has jobs to deliver on, he needs to be as mobile as possible; due to the nature of his job. Naturally, this is a serious problem because the options before him are both limited and will take a heavy toll either on his body or his bank account. He either opts for public transport (we all know how crazy stressful this option is), uses car-hailing services (They also have their moments), or buys a car of his own. John had been getting by until a fourth option (Pull up) crossed his path. It was by far the best movement option he’d heard about in a while, He could rent a car near him for the day he has to work, and he gets to drive it himself. He’d be cutting down on uncertain movement costs and saves the time it takes to order cabs for every venue he had to touch down. Let’s talk about Pull up.

Pull up is your go-to car rental service for meetings, events, special occasions, day-to-day commute, dates, travels, get-aways, and pretty much anything you could do with a car. All you need to start renting is a valid drivers’ license and a one-time verification that confirms you as a member of the community. Community, because the fleet is made up of cars from different owners who earn by leasing their cars on our platform. We take care of important factors like insurance, car safety and we also ensure that the community is made up of trustworthy people.

John’s Pull up experience

After using Pull up 4 times, John had this to say ‘I see it as convenience, ease and solving that big problem’

John also told me this about his first pull up experience; “my first experience was a very good one, I like the whole idea, the fact that you’re trying to bridge this huge gap, and helping to solve this problem people actually face, there are so many things to do and you need a car to go there conveniently, you might not want to use an uber or a taxi, maybe you want to drive and organise things. As a travel agent and event planner, I can properly plan my day with a car, I even spend more when I use uber. I see it as convenience, ease, and solving that big problem, my experience was very nice. Right now I don’t have a car, but I can always use this service till I get one, this is solving a major transportation issue for me

How to become a Pull up member and rent cars

Pull up is reserved for the most reliable and trustworthy people. It takes a level of discipline to deal with someone else’s car with care. To become a member, the first thing you have to do is sign-up on our platform. at pullup.com.ng, then you go through our verification process. Verification requires you to have a valid drivers’ license.

After verification, you become a permanent member of the community and can rent as many cars as you want, anytime you want for your different outings. Omo jaiye jaiye.

Why should you use Pull up?

The reason question here is, why not? John uses it for his business movements, why can’t you? Pull up is that solution that tackles the need for control, privacy, and a touch of class. I bet it’ll slap differently if you pull up at that meeting in a G-wagon.

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Pull Up

Fast Growing Peer to Peer Car Sharing Community in Africa.